Proof of Concepts

During the Proof of Concept phase, the migration teams will select appropriate objects from the source(s) and perform a migration into the desired target environment.  The amount of code and/or data migrated during the POC phase is specifically selected to be both representative and ‘bite size’ to yield an accurate viability assessment in a short amount of time.


After a successful POC engagement a pilot migration is often performed before entering into the full migration scope.  This is especially true with large migration scopes.  During the pilot, a complete migration will be conducted on a larger, representative portion of the full migration scope.  Pilots are used to instill confidence in your management team as well as to provide our respective migration team with the knowledge sets and culture required to accomplish the overall migration goals.

End to End Migration Services

When the decision has been made to move forward with the full migration scope, we can deliver professional services to perform the entire migration.   Using a detailed SOW we will deliver a your migrated source in the newly selected technology(s), thus allowing your antiquated technologies to be decommissioned in favor of 21st century, best of breed technologies.

Hybrid Engagements

We also deliver hybrid engagements of tool licensing and professional services, allowing highly customized and efficient delivery of an automated migration strategy of your application and database systems.